Friday, August 10, 2012

     My last few days here in Berlin have been awesome.  We have seen the Pergamon Museum, Sachsenhausen, the Sanssouci Palace, the Orangery Palace, the 1936 Olympic stadium, and an actual bunker that was used in WW2.  The Pergamon Museum was really cool because they had exact replicas of different gates, and parts of the actual structures that were in Greece.  I think the coolest part of the Pergamon Museum was that we could see a panoramic view of an actual city from back in those times.  We could actually hear all of the different sounds that would have been happening.  Sachsenhausen was a concentration camp where people went if they committed crimes.  It was very chilling to see this because there were so many people who died there.  The Sanssouci Palace was where Frederick the Great lived.  Every room in this palace had a different design made especially for that room.  The Orangery Palace was a place for Frederick to put all of his exotic plants in the winter.  The Olympic stadium from 1936was very cool to see, and it was even more cool that we got to swim in the pool, and jump off the 10 meter.  it was very painful jumping off the 10 meter, the bottom of my foot is partially bruised.  The bunker was very interesting, because it was built right into a train station.  In the bunker there are a lot of different artifacts that have been found all over the different ones from around the city. Well, this is my last day here in Berlin.  My flight back to America leaves tomorrow morning at 7 a.m.

Monday, August 6, 2012

     Today was quite busy, my mom and I biked around Berlin seeing the different sights.  We went to the Ka De We, which is a very big shopping center, and had some very delicious parfait type things.  After that we went to bike around the Tiergarten for about one hour.  While trying to find the Stasi Museum we passed by the Brandenburg gate, and the American Embassy. When we finally found the Stasi Museum it was very interesting, there were so many little factoids that I never knew before. It was really very cool.  After the museum we had lunch at a little pizza place.  We had a spinach and garlic pizza, it was really good.  Check Point Charlie was the next thing on our list of adventures for the day, it was quite small but overall a very cool thing to see.  For a long while after that we just meandered around the city not looking for anything in particular.  We found the German History Museum, which was really educational. More to come...

Friday, August 3, 2012

     Today we leave again to head back to Berlin.  Its been a good four weeks here, and I'll miss it.  But I'm excited to get back to Berlin, especially since I get to see my mom tomorrow! So goodbye Denmark, and hello Germany!

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

     Nothing too extraordinary has happened in the last few weeks; we go to the beach occasionally, go into one of the nearby towns for shopping, swimming, we went to an amusement park. The amusement park was fun, is no Cedar Point, but its hard to beat that. 
     Oh how I love the Olympics.  It is probably one of the things I had been most excited about for this summer, apart from this trip.  Since the Olympics started we have pretty much been watching the games all day, with a few choice trips every once and a while. Its pretty nice to just sit and relax.  I am, however, looking forward to seeing my mom in a few days. It's gonna be nice to see her again. 

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Shopping, swimming, badminton, candle making, beach adventures, and sunsets, that's what the last three days consisted of.  It has been really fun. Every day we go to a different town to go shopping, its really cool. Also every day we go to a community center thing, they have swimming, badminton, ping pong, and other things. The badminton is really fun, even though I'm not to good at it, but still fun. The swimming is great, as usual, and the sauna is as well. Today we went candle making, and it was a...different experience. They turned out nicely though, mine is like an orange-y pink-ish color, like a sunset kinda. One thing I have noticed is that Denmark is so different from Norway. It's not just the fact that everything is less expensive, its that there is so much more to do here; and the people seem genuinely nicer than the Norwegian people. Then there is the sunsets, which are so gorgeous! The sun turns the sky a deep pink, and the reflection on the water is priceless.

     I could definitely get used to seeing this view every night.  This is a great vacation. :)

Sunday, July 8, 2012

     Our first day here in Denmark was fairly busy. After we all ate breakfast we walked to a nearby farm. We saw all the animals; which include: cats, chickens, deer, donkeys, goats, guinea pigs, horses, pigs, rabbits, and roosters. It was really cool, one of the cats had a litter and the kittens were small enough to fit in your hand, it was adorable. The next thing we did was go strawberry picking. It was really cool, and I do have to admit that I may have eaten a lot of the strawberries as I was picking them. But hey, they were there, I wasn't just going to not eat them. :) Our next destination was a swimming pool, where I got my first experience in a sauna. They are really sweet. Also at the pool they had raft type things and all of the kids were trying to get the others off of the raft, I was the only one successful of not getting pushed off! :) It was a successful day at the pool. After the pool we relaxed and ate our strawberries that we picked earlier, and they were delicious! Our last destination of the day was the sand dunes, they are not as big as the Sleeping Bear dunes, but they were still cool. To get to the actual dunes we rode bikes through the sand, which I do not recommend because it is not easy, and then walking just a little bit. The cool thing about these dunes is that the sand has moved a little bit every year. for example, there used to be houses on the dunes but now they are destroyed because the sand went into a pretty intense drop off into the sea, and took the houses with it. All together I would say this was a great start to what will hopefully be an awesome four weeks here in Denmark.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

     Today we are leaving for Denmark, we will be staying there for four weeks! Woo! To get back to Denmark we have to ride the Ferry back for about four hours. This is probably going to be my last post for a while, because I'm pretty sure the place we are staying at does not have internet, but who knows, maybe it does. Well, we are gonna leave soon, I'd better finish packing!